The Barrel
A Locally-Sourced and Affordable Ishgardian Brewery and Bar
Brynhildr - Empyreum - Ward 20, Plot 54
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Drink art by LordSketch#1830
Each drink is one item, except for our flight boards. A flight board is a grouping of multiple drinks, usually in smaller portion sizes than ordering each item individually, but with a reduced price per item to boot. It is designed to allow the drinker to sample a larger portion of a menu for less money and with less risk of getting too drunk.

Aldenard Pale Ale - 400
- 3.5% ABV. Tea-like, sweet, bitter. Sweet raspberry tea flavor, refreshing finish with slight bitter aftertaste. Hazy pink-brown coloration, white head. Served in a tulip pint glass.
- Our Aldenard Pale Ale (A.P.A.) is a fusion of standard pale ales with sweet tea, creating a beer that barely tastes like beer. Utilizing tea leaves picked from the Black Iron Bridge in the western parts of Coerthas, a basic, more plain ale recipe is steeped with flavors. In addition to the tea, sugared raspberries are added in, along with some sprigs of sage, to create a treat for the nose as well as the mouth. This tea-pale ale combination is a favorite of lightweights and other, less powerful drinkers. We recommend this to any patrons being begrudgingly dragged along by more alcohol-addicted companions, and dislike the taste of alcohol.
- Ingredients: Barley (Aleport, Western La Noscea), Coneflower (Avalonia Fallen, Hinterlands), Coerthan Tea Leaves (Black Iron Bridge, Western Highlands), Raspberry (Diadem), Clary Sage (Red Rim, Western Highlands)

Golden Field Ale - 400
- 5.5% ABV. Elegant, full, fruity. Aroma of wheat, bananas, and a hint of clove, moving into a palate of earthiness and dough-like flavors, hoppy vanilla aftertaste. Bright, light golden coloration, light haze and pure white head. Served in a Weizen glass.
- Our only beer brewed with wheat in addition to the normal barley malt we use for our beers, Golden Field Ale sets itself apart in more ways than one. The wheat, imported straight from Felix’s trips to the Diadem, is mashed with cone hops and mixed with trace elements of bananas and vanilla beans to create a bright base wort. Top-fermenting yeast specially picked for this brew enhances the banana and vanilla to help create a smooth wheat ale where you can taste all three flavors. Aged in cedar casks for a period of four months, the more earthy and clove-like aroma allows the beer to reach a more well-rounded flavor, while still being lighter and more uplifting than any other beer we have. Recommended for those who are new to ales, or those would like to use beer to lighten their mood.
- Ingredients: Wheat (Diadem), Barley (Aleport, Western La Noscea), Coneflower (Avalonia Fallen, Hinterlands), Vanilla Beans (The Watcher, Western Highlands), Cloud Banana (Ruling Quarter, Hinterlands), White Cedar Log (Diadem)

Umbral Shell Stout - 400
- 5% ABV. Rich, Savory. Pleasant aroma of brine and coffee, meaty, salty beginning taste that slowly gives way to hops and seaweed. Black-brown color, pale beige head with lots of foam. Served in a goblet with a single brown tortoise scute.
- Inspired by drunken sailors’ tales of oyster stouts from the open ocean and the legendary pairing of seafood and alcohol, our sights soon became set on a slow-moving tortoise from the Diadem. While earth-aspected and soil-like on its own, the tortoise’s pulverized shell blended perfectly with Abalathian rock salt in order to create part of the taste of seafood with no access to the sea. Mixed in with a heavily modified barley malt and special top-fermenting yeast before being left to distill in our custom column stills, our Umbral Shell Stout is a reminder of home for the traveler who can’t get enough of the salt-sea air, and a rare glimpse at ocean cuisine for less fortunate residents of the Brume.
- Ingredients: Barley (Aleport, Western La Noscea), Coneflower (Avalonia Fallen, Hinterlands), Umbral Tortoise (Diadem), Abalathian Rock Salt (Coldwind, Sea of Clouds)

The Frost Vigil - 400
- 12% ABV. Rich, smooth, warm. Aroma of ripe bananas and dark berries. Brown sugar, banana, and raspberry start, evolves to have a slight caramel taste; undertones of malt and hops. Dark chestnut-brown coloration with a fizzy, tannish head. Served chilled in a chalice.
- Our most alcoholic beer by far, the Frost Vigil goes through a different process than its other lager brother. Overripe, fragrant bananas and raspberries are added to the mash alongside the cone hops early to impart their flavors before distillation and allow them to mix in better; however, ingredients are not what make this beer so special. Twice during the aging process, a spindle laced with ice crystals is lowered into the tanks. Once a block of ice has been formed, it is removed, drawing water out and concentrating the alcohol and flavorings. The result is a ferocious, yet complex lager with a penchant for preying on unsuspecting Ishgardians who assume it is just another low-alcohol beer.
- Ingredients: Barley (Aleport, Western La Noscea), Coneflower (Avalonia Fallen, Hinterlands), Ice Crystals (Gorgagne Holding, Western Highlands), Raspberry (Diadem), Cloud Banana (Ruling Quarter, Hinterlands)

Trio Lager - 400
- 4.5% ABV. Crisp, floral. Dandelion starting taste gives way to a bit of a bread flavor, then the bitter hops at the end. Clear amber/gold color with a pale white head, lots of bubbles. Served chilled in a Pilsner glass.
- If you just ask our fine staff for “a beer,” you’ll most likely end up on the receiving end of this easy-to-drink lager. The first invention purely from Felix, Gog, and Sypha, this beer is made fresh at home with cone hops as opposed to its original imported sources. Using a less modified pure barley malt and a special bottom-fermenting yeast shared with the Frost Vigil, our Trio Lager is about the most pure “beer” taste you can receive from us. Using a couple of dandelions as an homage to ancient times before wide-spread brewing, the Trio uses only three ingredients to achieve its own personal brand of perfection This slightly floral, grassy brew is the pride and joy of our establishment and a perfect sampler of what it is we can provide you here at the Bottom of the Barrel.
- Ingredients: Barley (Aleport, Western La Noscea), Coneflower (Avalonia Fallen, Hinterlands), Dandelion (Four Arms, Churning Mists)

Brumewater - 425
- 40% ABV. Boozy, herbal. Muted flavors, decently strong taste of alcohol with hints of coriander, sage, and dill. Slightly sweet aftertaste. Almost perfectly clear, served in a pair of shot glasses laced with ice crystals.
- Much of Ishgard’s natural wealth is unsuitable for fermentation on its own; however, the creation of a basic spirit with which to imbue more exciting coerthan flavors has allowed us to experiment with new flavors. Enter the humble magma beet, which provides enough natural sugars to assist in fermentation while not imparting much of its natural non-sugar flavors to the spirit. Given subtle enhancements with a combination of herbs from the Western Highlands, our Brumewater has proven to be a decently popular drink in its own right. Served as close to freezing as the drink will get, our spirit will remind you of Coerthan winters, and is named after our very own foundation - the loving, rowdy peoples of Ishgard’s warrens. Recommended for those with a penchant for piling up shot glasses and the biting frost.
- Ingredients: Magma Beet (Landlord Colony, Churning Mists), Coriander (Twinpools, Western Highlands), Clary Sage (Red Rim, Western Highlands), Mist Dill (Twinpools, Western Highlands)

Coerthan Clear - 450
- 85% ABV. Pure, fiery alcohol taste. Little to no odor besides the slight smell of herbs. Nearly completely clear coloration. Served in a tiny shot glass. LIMIT ONE PER CUSTOMER. NOT INCLUDED IN THE INFUSION FLIGHT.
- Felix’s most alcoholic creation, this extreme drink is made by adding a sprig of vampire plant to our Brumewater, then distilling the drink three times until it reaches her desired alcohol content. With this triple distillation of the original brumewater, the drink trades flavor for pure potency. By far the most alcoholic drink on this list, we limit the sale of this drink to one per customer in order to prevent alcohol poisoning; as such, we cannot formally recommend it to any customers. However, if your goal is to get drunk at the highest speed possible, there is no better way to do so than our Coerthan Clear.
- Ingredients: Brumewater (see drink for ingredients), Vampire Plant (Dragonhead, Central Highlands)

Almond Rondel - 450
- 25% ABV. Very sweet, slightly bitter. Strong aroma, with heavy notes of sweet almonds, and subtle hints of vanilla and cow bitter. Deep orange color, bordering on amber. Served chilled in a rocks glass, poured over a small, spherical piece of dark chocolate.
- The second of our five liquors made with Brumewater as a base, the Almond Rondel brings the walm, earthy taste of almonds to your tongue. The Brumewater is poured over a mixture of honeydew almonds harvested high in the Sea of Clouds, vanilla beans, and a single cow bitter flower, and left to blend naturally for two months. The result is a liquor that is one of our sweetest drinks, and pairs wonderfully with the chocolate we serve it with. We recommend our Almond Rondel for patrons with a sweet tooth, but looking for a bit of a nuttier taste. Or, people who want chocolate spheres.
- Ingredients: Brumewater (see drink for ingredients), Honeydew Almonds (Gauntlet, Sea of Clouds), Vanilla Beans (The Watcher, Western Highlands), Cow Bitter (Answering Quarter, Hinterlands)

Astral Daze - 450
- 16% ABV. Sweet, fruity. Intense berry flavor, smooth palate and tiny bitter finish; if drank too fast, can cause the drinker to momentarily freeze. Ruby coloration, with white bubbles slowly circling the center of the drink. Served chilled in a champagne flute.
- This visually striking drink comes from three wonderful discoveries. The first, in the Dravanian Hinterlands, was of a beautiful red berry found at the fringes of the old Sharlayan territory now in ruins; its flavors were wonderful, and it is frankly incredible that the people of this colony couldn’t keep their noses out of their books for long enough to smell it. The second was an ancient recipe from Amdapor describing a draught meant to connect one more firmly to astral aether; using a flower taken from high in the Churning Mists, the essence of this “seventh heaven” was combined with some unknown alcohol and macerated berries to sweeten the mix. Reviving this recipe, we had a flash of inspiration and decided to combine these two discoveries with a bit of raspberry and our Brumewater, while lessening the amount of the flower to avoid harming our budding alcoholic clientele. The result is a sweet, almost juice-like drink that still retains a bit of its former potency. Take care when drinking!
- Ingredients: Brumewater (see drink for ingredients), Raspberry (Diadem), Snurbleberry (The Daggers, Hinterlands), Seventh Heaven (Lost Landlord, Churning Mists)

Cloudtop Sunrise - 450
- 27.5% ABV. Sweet, sour, spicy. Almost similar to alcoholic lemonade, but sweeter and with a strong peppery tone. Bright yellow, cloudy coloration, with a red layer at the bottom; orange if stirred. Served chilled in a champagne flute.
- Inspired by our dealings with the Vundu, our Cloudtop Sunrise captures their refreshing attitude and noise. Made by infusing our Brumewater with zest from heavens lemons in larder pots bought from the Vundu at Ok’ Gundu Nakki, the drink combines the natural sweetness and sour flavor of the lemons with the peppery spices of the fermented foods absorbed into the larder pots over decades. This exciting and explosive combination of heat and citrus is only possible through the fusion of Vundu culture with our own Ishgardian tastes. Cloudtop Sunrise is a delicious, wonderfully easy drink that barely tastes of alcohol at all, and is perfect for people looking for some punch in their drinks.
- Ingredients: Brumewater (see drink for ingredients), Heavens Lemons (Vundu Ok’ Bendu, Sea of Clouds), Oddly Specific Fossil Dust - Vundu (Whale’s Crown, Sea of Clouds)

Fae Verte - 450
- 68% ABV. Extremely boozy, herbal. Intense alcohol taste with licorice complement, notes of lemon and camphor. Vibrant emerald green color. Served in a Pontarlier glass, mixed with a small bit of sugar.
- The specialty of our very own Felix, Fae Verte is by far the most alcoholic drink on our list. Designed to mimic the flavors of the Gyr Abanian spirit known as Arak, this botanical drink is created by combining the aforementioned Brumewater with the fermented leaves and flower of the parasitic vampire plant, distilled on its own in an individualized still. Adding wood from the camphor tree, sprigs of pot marjoram, and heavens lemons in before a second infusion that lasts one month, the drink turns a beautiful green and combines the three flavors to make a truly potent drink rife with herbal tones underneath its licorice exterior. Not at all for the faint of heart, we serve our Fae Verte with a cube of sugar to reduce the impact of the drink; however, Felix recommends the drink at its most pure, without the sugary safeguard.
- Ingredients: Brumewater (see drink for ingredients), Vampire Plant (Dragonhead, Central Highlands), Camphorwood Branch (Eil Tohm, Churning Mists), Pot Marjoram (Red Rim, Western Highlands), Heavens Lemons (Vundu Ok’ Bendu, Sea of Clouds)

Lover’s Draught - 450
- 38% ABV. Herbal, minty. Smells and tastes strongly of laurel, with a hint of mint. Olive green color, almost like olive oil itself. Served chilled in a highball glass.
- The last of our five drinks created through imparting flavor to our Brumewater, our herbaceous Lover’s Draught relies on macerated lover’s laurel leaves and furymint from the Western Highlands. Leaving the destroyed leaves to soak for several weeks in the solution provides a wonderfully easy, digestible drink that is perfect for rounding off a meal or drinking straight. Its unique flavor palette and aura of refinement have earned it a growing place among the more “classical” wines and brandies favored by the well-to-do high houses of the Pillars and their sycophant orbiters, as well as more promiscuous residents of the Brume that stand by it helping them to achieve their “goals”. The fresh aftertaste is one of the most pleasant at our establishment, so we recommend it as a closing drink or if you wish to put on slightly condescending airs like a highborn of the past.
- Ingredients: Brumewater (see drink for ingredients), Lover’s Laurel (Red Rim, Western Highlands), Furymint (Red Rim, Western Highlands)

Bouleaumel - 450
- 12.5% ABV. Sweet, dry, thick. Slightly acidic and astringent, with notes of apples, flowers, and caramel. Viscous goldenrod coloration, moves around slightly. Served warm in a tankard.
- The beloved drink and brainchild of our very own Sypha, our mead is no pale imitation of maple mead; nay, it is the product of experimentation, better than the sum of its parts, and by most claims, better than the original. Substituting the typical maple syrup with a mixture of sap from the birch and umbral galewood trees, her concoction brings movement and variety to an otherwise simple but reliable drink. These three flavors ferment together to create a more complex flavor with hints of ingredients never added to the mix, with many saying they could have sworn we snuck a square of caramel or a couple of apples into the mix. Never failing to warm a tired soul or fill an empty belly, our Bouleaumel is a fantastic balm for the weary traveler as much as it is a fine drink for a mead connoisseur.
- Ingredients: Honey (Lilystone, Central Shroud), Birch Sap (Voor Sian Siran, Sea of Clouds), Umbral Galewood Sap (Diadem)

Chestnut Blend Whiskey - 450
- 46% ABV. Dry, woody, boozy. Opens with rye spice and chestnut, leaves a lingering taste of vanilla and vegetal flavors. Russet coloration. Served on the rocks.
- Our Chestnut Blend Whiskey, one of our most complex and classy drinks, is a favorite with our patrons from the Brume. Made with sixty percent rye, thirty-five percent barley malt, and five percent pulverized dark chestnut, the young whiskey is aged over the course of four years in dark chestnut casks before being served to you. While dark chestnut is more porous than oak and prone to leakage/evaporation than oak species, it does age drinks faster, allowing us to create more complex flavors faster than the more traditional oak barrel methods. Our charred dark chestnut barrels release vanillin into the drink over time due to the wood’s natural composition; combined with the vanilla bean pods we drop in with the whiskey at the start of the fermentation process, the choice of cask creates a fantastically complex, multilayered vanilla background to the whiskey’s normal flavors of spice and chestnuts.
- Ingredients: Barley (Aleport, Western La Noscea), Rye (item description mentions Coerthas as growing location, but sourced through retainer), Vanilla Beans (The Watcher, Western Highlands), Dark Chestnut (Smoldering Wastes, Forelands), Dark Chestnut Log (Smoldering Wastes, Forelands)

North Whilom River Cider - 450
- 10% ABV. Tart, sweet. Aroma of apples and a more earthy smell; tart apple edge, notes of fig and cinnamon. Yellow coloration, hazy body and slightly fizzy. Served warm in a stemless wine glass.
- One of Ishgard’s native alcoholic drinks, brandy holds a special place in our hearts. However, with our shop only being open for so long, and dark chestnut not giving us the flavor profile we would have wanted in an apple brandy, we decided to experiment with its undistilled, brighter precursor in cider. Adding in old world figs from the Chocobo Forest and trading for spices with the Vath upstream of Tailfeather, the mirror apples grown in our own gardens come together and ferment in barrels made of white cedar logs, which impart an earthier aroma than traditional oak barrels and protect yeast well. The result is a cozy, yet complex fireside cider that we recommend to anyone not too fond of Ishgard’s cold climes.
- Mirror Apples (Grown in Coerthas), Old World Fig (Chocobo Forest, Forelands), Oddly Specific Fossil Dust - Gnath (Whilom River, Forelands), White Cedar Log (Diadem)

Sky Rum - 450
- 42.5% ABV. Sweet, sour, a hint of salt. Bright aroma, lots of citrus and roasted sugar, hints of vanilla and charred chestnut wood. Medium amber color, served in a short, square glass. Poured to order from a keg.
- No Ishgardian libations menu would be truly complete without homage to the city’s difficulties with Sky Pirates. Enter Sky Rum, designed to evoke memories of skullduggery and ill-begotten luxury at the heights of Abalathia’s Spine. While still drawing from aquatic pirate traditions. Palm syrup, sourced from the world’s rum capital in Thavnair, is fermented and distilled with a mixture of unique flavors picked straight from the Sea of Clouds. Aged for one year in the same dark chestnut barrels previously used to age our Chestnut Blend Whiskey, the flavors imparted from the wood and whiskey both help to add complexity and more mature undertones to this fruity, exciting rum.
- Ingredients: Palm Syrup (The Great Work, Thavnair), Heavens Lemon (Vundu Ok’ Bendu, Sea of Clouds), Furymint (Ok’ Vundu Mok, Sea of Clouds), Abalathian Rock Salt (Coldwind, Sea of Clouds)

Gog’s Grog - 425
- 8.5% ABV. Sweet, sour and frothy. Airy aroma with lots of sugar and hints of lemon, slightly woody aftertaste and bubbling effect. Amber-green, almost swamp-like coloration and thickness; the liquid swirls in the tankard, creating a whirlpool. Scooped from a barrel that looks like it has been pierced by wind crystals.
- Our reluctant expert on piracy, Gog has served and drank grog since before he was just a lad. His personal grog recipe, reinvented with Ishgardian flair, makes heavy use of the umbral galewood tree recently found in the Diadem. From his experience, pirates have a habit of turning Llymlaen’s sweet blessings into vile curses, and drinks are no exception. Combining one part of his sweet, sugar-dominant Sky Rum with with two parts spring water, two parts umbral galewood sap, and an extra galewood branch dropped in for good luck, the heavily wind-aspected drink is so volatile that it is kept in a reinforced barrel made of Umbral Galewood itself and handed out in pure metal tankards. Not for the faint of heart, this surprisingly sweet dark green drink is a crowd pleaser for cheap drunks and bubbly adventuring sorts alike.
- Ingredients: Sky Rum (see drink for ingredients), Umbral Galewood Sap (The Diadem), Umbral Galewood Branch (The Diadem), Umbral Galewood Log (The Diadem)

Beau Mort - 600
- 9% ABV. Creamy, malty, bitter. Aroma of milk, coffee, and later notes of brine and rye. Bright brown coloration. Served in a pint glass and shot glass together, combined just before serving.
- Named after the sacrifices made by a few fallen heroes of Ishgard’s past, this drink is designed to honor and symbolize their bittersweet last moments. The Beau Mort is served in two parts; most of a full serving of our Umbral Shell Stout in a pint glass, and a shot glass, half filled with cream from yak milk and half filled with our Chestnut Blend Whiskey. The drink is mixed just before serving by dropping the shot glass into the larger pint glass. The “sacrifice” made by the liquor and cream brings a wonderful array of flavors to the stout; it is prudent to drink this quickly, before the cream curdles. Recommended for drinkers who have been told to smile recently.
- Ingredients: Umbral Shell Stout (see drink for ingredients), Chestnut Blend Whiskey (see drink for ingredients), Yak Milk (Twinpools, Western Highlands)

Durendaire’s Bell - 600
- 22.5% ABV. Smooth, classy, sweet. Delicate aroma of vanilla, almonds, and herbs, with just a hint of citrus and sugar. Opaque, orange-brown coloration. Served in a Coupe glass.
- The classier younger sibling of our sweet Almond Rondel, this silky cocktail is inspired by the supposedly more refined tastes of Ishgard’s four high houses, of which House Durendaire approached us first. They rather coolly requested a mixed drink befitting their station and grandeur, but had no suggestions as to what they wanted in terms of flavors. After some rather tiring back-and-forths, they finally accepted a concoction borne of Almond Rondel and our Sky Rum. Shaking together the liquor, beer, the juice of a heavens lemon, and pure palm syrup, our Bell is sure to ring true with your taste buds. Recommended for those who want something that goes down easy.
- Ingredients: Almond Rondel (see drink for ingredients), Sky Rum (see drink for ingredients), Heavens Lemons (Vundu Ok’ Bendu, Sea of Clouds), Palm Syrup (The Great Work, Thavnair)

Dzemael’s Tower - 600
- 35% ABV. Balanced, bittersweet, herbal. Whiskey taste, combined with mingled herbs and sugar with a wisp of lemon. Deep russet color, with a small lemon twist on top of the rim. Served in a chilled old-fashioned glass.
- House Dzemael’s highest were quite pleased with the taste of our Chestnut Blend Whiskey, but as the High Houses must be higher than the rest, we were asked if we could “enhance” the taste of the whiskey. Our experiments led to the Tower, which is filled with supporting flavors. The glass for this drink is first cooled with ice cubes and then rinsed with a small bit of our Fae Verte, not unlike the fortifications Dzemael is famous for. In a separate glass, palm sugar cubes are crushed and mixed with a dash of our house-made Bitters #1 and a shot of our Chestnut Blend Whiskey, then poured into the rinsed glass to mix the tastes of all three alcohols together; finally, a Heavens Lemon twist is squeezed over the top for just a bit more complexity (and partially to impress our quite uppity clients). Recommended for those who like whiskey, but want something more.
- Ingredients: Chestnut Blend Whiskey (see drink for ingredients), Fae Verte (see drink for ingredients), Bitters #1 (Furymint (Ok’ Vundu Mok, Sea of Clouds), Cow Bitter (Answering Quarter, Hinterlands), Vampire Plant (Dragonhead, Central Highlands)), Heavens Lemons (Vundu Ok’ Bendu, Sea of Clouds), Palm Syrup (The Great Work, Thavnair)

Fortemps’ Unicorn - 600
- 6% ABV. Sweet, sour, tea-like. Intense lemon flavor mixed with tea tannins and a bit of spice. Bright orange coloration. Served over ice in a Collins glass.
- This bright and easy-to-make mix was designed in partnership with the stewards of House Fortemps, hoping to surprise their noble leaders. Being a drink suitable for the wide range of personalities inside their house, our Cloudtop Sunrise is mixed with additional juice from Heavens Lemons and a healthy dose of tea made from the same tea leaves we use for our A.P.A. to create a quick mix, served over ice cubes. This simple mix and relatively low alcohol content allows the Unicorn to be a crowd pleaser. Recommended for those who are looking to explore cocktails, but want to start slow.
- Ingredients: Cloudtop Sunrise (see drink for ingredients), Coerthan Tea Leaves (Black Iron Bridge, Western Highlands), Heavens Lemons (Vundu Ok’ Bendu, Sea of Clouds)

Haillenarte’s Rose - 600
- 25% ABV. Sweet, minty, spicy. Aroma of berries and mint, with a hint of grains and a sugary aftertaste. Hot pink coloration, with white bubbles appearing from time to time. Served in a highball glass, garnished with a Snurbleberry and a sprig of Furymint.
- A friend and former employer of Gog’s, Stephanivien de Haillenarte, approached us with a concept for a sweet drink that would bring a smile to lowborn and highborn alike. The result is a bright pink drink, suitable to be called our very own Rose. Crushed ice, our Astral Daze, our Chestnut Blend Whiskey, and copious amounts of Snurbleberry juice are shaken together and combine to make a delightfully rich drink; the addition of whiskey and ice help to add depth and complexity. With a sprig of Furymint and a fresh Snurbleberry on top, this is sure to please any worker after a long tour of the Diadem. Recommended for those with a sweet tooth, but a bit more alcohol tolerance than the Astral Daze.
- Ingredients: Chestnut Blend Whiskey (see drink for ingredients), Astral Daze (see drink for ingredients), Palm Syrup (The Great Work, Thavnair), Snurbleberry (The Daggers, Hinterlands), Furymint (Ok’ Vundu Mok, Sea of Clouds)

Nidhogg’s Rage - 600
- 5% ABV. Spicy, salty. Aroma of spice and salted bread, very hot taste and quick to spread across the tongue, with hints of dandelion. Intense Gog-red coloration. Served in a glass mug, rimmed with salt and spices, garnished with a lemon wedge.
- Gog’s creation, this drink is designed to combine his trademark lack of color variety with the heat of Nidhogg’s fury, a feeling that was shared by all residents of the stone city when the greatwyrm showed up on the Steps of Faith for the last time. Made with two primary ingredients, our Trio Lager and a bright red hot sauce made from spices scraped from Vundu larder pots, this simple twist on an otherwise normal beer helps to turn it into a refreshing and novel drink. A rim of Abalathian Rock Salt, mixed with more of the Vundu spices, creates a short outline at the top of the glass that almost matches his hair. Recommended for drinkers who either want to see a red man holding a red drink, or those looking for a more fiery cocktail.
- Ingredients: Trio Lager (see drink for ingredients), Oddly Specific Fossil Dust - Vundu (Whale’s Crown, Sea of Clouds), Abalathian Rock Salt (Coldwind, Sea of Clouds), Heavens Lemons (Vundu Ok’ Bendu, Sea of Clouds)

Sarcelle Claquer - 600
- 55% ABV. Sugary, fruity, tingly. Aroma of sugar, lemon, bananas, and wheat, with intense notes of sugar and cold. Bright teal coloration with slush-like consistency. Served in a punch glass, garnished with a slice of lemon.
- Despite the warnings we attach to the Coerthan Clear, this is Felix’s most dangerous creation. Our Golden Field Ale is mixed with Coerthan Clear, sugar made from Palm Syrup, juice from Heavens Lemons, a couple drops of juice from a macerated Vampire Plant, blue dye from Violas locally grown in our garden, and shaken together with crushed Ice Shards to create a truly one-of-a-kind drink. The crystal, high alcohol content, and sugary taste make the drink go down easily and work its magic quite effectively; drinkers, our staff included, have reported feeling cold and incredibly drunk after a single serving, yet all too happy to reach for another. Recommended, with hesitation, for those looking to get hammered and have fun doing so.
- Ingredients: Coerthan Clear (see drink for details), Golden Field Ale (see drink for details), Heavens Lemons (Vundu Ok’ Bendu, Sea of Clouds), Ice Shards (Whitebrim, Central Highlands), Palm Syrup (The Great Work, Thavnair), Vampire Plant (Dragonhead, Central Highlands), Blue Violas (Grown in-house)
Barrel Flight - 1500
- A substantial sample of each of our three ales and two lagers; the five drinks showcase a full range of our talents with grain-based alcohols.
- Included: Aldenard Pale Ale, Golden Field Ale, Umbral Shell Stout, Frost Vigil, Trio Lager
Infusion Flight - 2000
- A sampling of six drinks; our Brumewater, and the five safe drinks that are created by infusing the Brumewater with other materials and distilling or diluting the mixture.
- Included: Brumewater, Almond Rondel, Astral Daze, Cloudtop Sunrise, Fae Verte, Lover’s Draught
High House Flight - 2000
- Four of our original cocktails, designed in conjunction with and representing each of Ishgard’s four High Houses.
- Included: Durendaire’s Bell, Dzemael’s Tower, Fortemps’ Unicorn, Haillenarte’s Rose